Association of Green Esperantists
Asocio de Verduloj Esperantistaj - AVE

AVE is a small but global linked NGO of people using as their favourite language Esperanto. We are members of Green Parties or supporters of ecological, social, peace and life topics. We think globally - we are acting locally.

Esperanto should become the 2nd language for all - for true inter-national communication; of course we support the learning of other foreign languages.

Learning Esperanto - in many languages

Why is Esperanto the language for the Greens ?
  • because Esperanto is a language designed to spread peace through international understanding;
  • because Esperanto protects the diversity of regional languages against the excessive use of imperialistic languages;
  • because by using the neutral language Esperanto we Greens could eliminate discrimination during our own international meetings.

    Our history and program: AVE has been founded on occasion of the first meeting of the European Green Parties in 1984 in Liége. There are around 500 members and friends in all continents.
    As common language we use Esperanto. Our program is according to the Charter of the Global Green Parties, defined 2001 in Canberra, which we translated into Esperanto.

    Our aims:
    - Using Esperanto and informing our Green friends about Esperanto. 1991 on occcasion of the green european conference in Zurich, the plenum discussions had been translated into Esperanto.
    - Informing our Esperanto friends about Green issues by our bulletin AVENO and by translating and presenting important documents (paper & homepage).
    - We support NGOs like "Water for the Children of the Aral Sea Region".
    About the Aral-Sea in Esperanto
    - We support NGOs by informing about their aims and by links from our homepage.
    - We propose amendmends on occasion of the Green Party programs on language issues relating minorities and to evaluate the potential of Esperanto.

    Our Resolution has been accepted by the EFGP-council after the Congress in Paris'99.
    * Support learning of Esperanto as an option in schools (e.g. propaedeutic usage).
    * Introduce Esperanto as one of the official languages in the EU and the European Parliament. Maybe as one of the relay languages.

    Parallel to the shrinking world, especially relating communication, there is a growing need for a neutral international language, which is more easy to learn and less tricky than english. Esperanto would like to be used in international communication.
    Click here About language politics in 15 languages.
  • More about Esperanto
  • AVE
     Asocio de Verduloj Esperantistaj (AVE)
    Asocio de Verduloj Esperantistaj
    Secr.: Dr. Manfred WESTERMAYER
    Kandelstr 62, D-79194 Gundelfingen
    Tel.(private): +49-761-58485-4, FAX: -7 (on demand)
    AVE (c/o M. Westermayer)